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Virtual Receptionists

Our live, North America-based virtual receptionists answer calls, capture & qualify leads, book new clients, and build better relationships with your existing clients, 24/7.

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234 articles by 8 authors
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Outreach Campaigns

Learn how Smith.ai receptionists make outbound calls on your behalf, improving your speed-to-lead and unburdening in-house staff with outreach campaigns. Monitor the performance of your outreach call campaigns through Smith.ai’s convenient online dashboard.

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22 articles by 3 authors
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Learn how to install and configure the chat widget on your website, set up integrations, capture leads, screen potential clients, book consultations, and more.

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64 articles by 6 authors
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Smith.ai is the superior customer engagement solution. See what makes us different.

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1 article by 1 author
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Smith.ai Partners

Smith.ai is the secret to delivering more value to your members, peers, and friends, without more work. Understand how to introduce your network to Smith.ai, so you can unlock new revenue for their business (and yours).

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8 articles by 3 authors
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Developer/API Resources

Smith.ai’s APIs provide self-service access to developer tools and resources. Uncover how to build powerful integrations that solve business challenges and help your business grow.

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21 articles by 3 authors
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Looking for an article that doesn’t quite fit in one of the other categories? Article topics include FAQs, billing, referrals, and more.

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8 articles by 3 authors
