How to Set Up Chat Call-Back Requests in Slack

You can now receive call requests from your website visitors in Slack. Here's how it works.

  1. A web visitor clicks on your Chat widget and starts a conversation.
  2. At any point during the chat, they can click "Request a call" in the footer of your chat widget.
  3. This will trigger a call request in a Slack channel you set up.

This is similar to our Chat to Call feature, but may work better for companies that have a team ready to call back leads themselves, instead of having our receptionists call them back.

Here's how to get set up:

Connect your account to Slack

  1. If you're not the team admin, send this page to them. You need to have administration privileges to proceed.
  2. Create a channel for your team to receive incoming call notifications, e.g., #smithai-chat-callback-requests
  3. Go to your Slack team's "apps" page. The url will look like this:
Slack's free plan includes 10 apps. You can connect to a free Slack plan that currently has 9 or fewer Slack integrations.
  1. Search for "email" and enable it. You'll see a screen like this:
  2. Click "Add Configuration"
  3. Select the new channel you created for callback requests from the dropdown (select) menu and choose "Add Email Integration"
  4. The resulting page gives you an email address. They will mail this to your site admin as well, but copy it down just for convenience
  5. Fill out and confirm all the details on this page. You can add an icon for Here's ours if you'd like to use it: Avatar
  6. When you are done your settings should look something like this:
  7. Test the integration by emailing something to that new address. You must be a member of that new channel to see the message. Usually it takes about a minute for it to show up. The Slack messages we send you will something like this:
  1. Email our support team with the following information:
    Email subject: Please add chat callback requests
    Email text: Please set up [insert your newly-created slack channel email address] for Chat Client Callback Requests
  2. We will confirm when this is set up for you

Enable Slack notifications for your channel

Enable all notifications for the Slack channel you set up so you can address call requests in a timely manner. Also, make sure it is not muted.

  1. In your Slack workspace or app, go to your channel
  2. Click on the gear icon
  3. Click on "Notification preferences ..."
    slack gear icon
  4. Make sure "All new messages" is selected for both Desktop and Mobile
    slack notification preferences
  5. Click "Done"

All set! You'll see notifications from every time a call comes in that meets your "live transfer" criteria.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our live chat or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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