How to Connect Your ClientRock Account to

Crystal Field Updated by Crystal Field

ClientRock is client-friendly legal intake software for attorneys. integrates with ClientRock, which means our receptionists can complete an intake over the phone for new clients using your ClientRock intake forms.

How to connect your ClientRock account to

If you're already a ClientRock user, getting started is easy — just follow these three steps:

  1. Log in to your ClientRock account, and click on "Matter Types" from the main menu.
  1. Locate the Matter Type(s) that you want your receptionists to use when completing client intake for you, and click "Copy Public URL."
  2. Paste this URL into an email to Support at with the subject line, "ClientRock Intake Integration." Add any other intake URLs to this same email.

Also, be sure to include directions for completing intake using each specific intake form you provide, including how to identify and qualify new leads as good potential clients for your firm. (Meaning,'s receptionists can ask qualifying questions before completing intake so only those clients who "pass" those initial questions will move on to the "intake" stage.)

That's it! We'll let you know as soon as the integration setup is complete, typically within 1 business day. Once your accounts are linked, you'll see newly completed intake forms in your ClientRock account, and new consultations added to your calendar.

Extra feature: One of the lesser-known options in ClientRock is attorney-specific intake. For example, you can share an attorney-specific intake form URL with our receptionists and tell us, "Only assign divorces in California to attorney Jane Jones." In this case, the URL you would share with us would be something like "" rather than the standard "". To activate this feature in your account, please contact ClientRock to ensure the URLs work as intended, and then share them with our receptionists as described below.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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