How to Customize Your Spanish Voicemail Greeting Virtual Receptionists service can answer all your calls, 24/7. With a Dedicated Spanish Line, we'll answer your calls in Spanish. If you have a dedicated Spanish line and there are no Spanish-speaking receptionists available, callers will be sent to your Spanish voicemail.

Recording Your Spanish Voicemail Greeting

If you are going to record on your own voicemail greeting, you have several options:

  • Online: We recommend Online Voice Recorder, which allows you to record your greetings, trim the start and end points, and then download them as MP3s.
  • On iOS/iPhone, use the Voice Memos app.
  • On a Mac, you can use Quicktime’s “Record Audio” function
  • On a PC, you can use Windows’ Voice Recorder software.

To sum that up, that’s:

  • Format: MP3
  • Optimal Length: Less than 30 seconds
Important note: If your file is not an mp3, do not change the file extension to "mp3". This doesn't make it an mp3; it makes it a fake mp3 and will cause serious problems. Read how to change another file type to an mp3.

Alternatively, you could save yourself some time and hire an affordable professional. recommends Fiverr’s Voiceover talent. Starting at just $5, you can purchase a customized voicemail greeting, ready in just a few days. Many of our current small businesses and entrepreneurs have messages provided by Fiverr’s talent — we think they provide top-notch service.

When it’s ready, follow the steps below to upload your voicemail greeting:

  1. Login to your VR dashboard here:
  2. Click on the handset icon (Call Handling) and scroll to the bottom
  3. In the Voicemail Greeting section, click “Add” under the Spanish voicemail header to upload your personalized voicemail greeting recording
    NOTE: The file must be an MP3 and less than 5MB

"General" covers all missed calls ever. The "After-hours" is an additional option that only plays after your set hours (if you decide against 24/7 call answering). If you don't upload a separate After-hours or Spanish voicemail, it will default to General.


Not sure what to say, or is your existing greeting making people doze off? To make the best impressions on your customers, we have some tips for recording on your own. Take a look at these 5 Tips for Perfect Voicemail Greetings.

Here’s what we recommend:

 Hola. Se ha comunicado a/con ____. Favor de dejar un mensaje y nos comunicaremos con usted a la mayor brevedad posible. Gracias y que tenga un excelente día."

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

How did we do?

How to Customize Your After-Hours Voicemail Greeting

How to Update Your Voicemail Summary Destination(s)
