How to Connect Chat to Law Ruler

Our Zapier integration helps business owners save time by automating processes that are typically done manually.

This guide will walk you through how to connect Chat to Law Ruler via Zapier. In doing so, leads generated from Chat will pass into Law Ruler.


To use Zapier to connect and Law Ruler, you will need:

Connect Chat to Law Ruler

  1. Sign up for a premium Zapier account. If you already have one, log in.
  2. Click "Create Zap" in the upper left corner.
  3. Name your Zap. An example could be "Connect Chat to Law Ruler."
  4. Click Trigger.
  5. In the App event search bar, type in "" Click Chat with the green chat icon.
  6. For the trigger Event, click "New Chat."
  7. Connect your Zapier account to your account.
    1. You'll need to add your API key when prompted. Click here for further instructions on how to connect to Zapier. Ensure you collect the API key from your chat dashboard, not your virtual receptionist dashboard.
  8. After inserting your API Key, select "Yes, continue."
  9. Test your trigger. It will pull in recent data as a test based on your chat data. Select "Continue."
  10. Click Action.
  11. In the App event search bar, type in "Webhooks" and select "Webhooks by Zapier" from the drop-down.
  12. For the trigger event, choose "POST." Select Continue.
  13. Under "Set up action" fill out the field information in each section.
    1. To find the URL, follow these steps.
      1. Toggle to a new window and open your Law Ruler account.
      2. In the left-hand navigation, scroll all the way down to the bottom and select "Settings."
      3. Among the options, click on "3rd Party Integrations."
      4. In the Vendor Email Template box, locate the "End-point URL." Copy that URL.
      5. Toggle back to your window with Zapier. Paste that end-point URL in the URL field.
    2. Under the Payload Type, select "form."
    3. In the data section, map your fields.
      1. For FirstName, search and find the field for "First Name."
      2. For LastName, search and find the field for "Last Name."
      3. For LeadProvider, type in " Chat."
      4. For the Key, toggle back to the window with Law Ruler. Return to the same section you found the end-point URL. Copy the API Key. Paste it into the mapped field.
      5. For Hear, type in " Chat."
      6. For Summary, search and find the field for "Transcript."
    4. For Wrap Request in Array, select No.
    5. For File, leave blank.
    6. For Unflatten, select Yes.
    7. For Basic Auth, leave blank.
    8. For Headers, leave blank.
  14. Select Test Action.
  15. Once a successful test comes through, verify your data and select "Test & Continue."
  16. Once you have confirmed all of the Zap details are correct, publish your Zap and turn it on.

Additional Resources:

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our live website chat services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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