How to provide existing client data to

Jessica Paxton Updated by Jessica Paxton

Improve your client experience by providing agents with your existing client information. When you supply your existing client data, agents won't need to collect basic contact information the caller expects you to have already. We'll match the inbound caller's caller ID to the client data then, we can get directly to the reason they're calling.

Formatting your existing client data CSV for upload to

  1. Start by creating an Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet with five columns.

    The columns should be in the following order without headers:

    First name, Last name, Phone number, Email (optional), Business Name (optional)

    Only first name, last name, and phone number are required.

    If your data includes a comma, then put that information inside quotation marks. Read more about why commas need quotation marks in CSV files

    File size is limited to 60KB (~1000 rows). You may supply multiple files, if needed.
    Download a template to get started (just remember to delete the example data!).
    It should look like this:
  2. Once your data is populated, export it as a CSV (comma-separated value) file without headers.

    Read this help article by Microsoft for more information on converting an Excel sheet into a CSV file.

    Make sure the data looks like this when the CSV file is exported:

    Dana,Garcia,650-727-6484,,Dana Office Furniture
    Alex,Connor,248-434-5508,,Alex Motorcycles
  3. After you've gathered your recipient list and formatted it, send the CSV file to
  4. Our team will identify your account, upload the CSV file, and we'll now be able to match callers to their contact information and account based on the caller ID.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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