Enabling the Caller ID in CallRail

Crystal Field Updated by Crystal Field

Turn on Caller ID in your CallRail account to have your Smith.ai receptionists see the caller's number (instead of your number).
Read why we need Caller ID here.
Here's how:
  1. Go to the Analytics icon on the left side Menu.
  2. Then navigate to the Tracking tab to bring up your numbers.
  3. Go to the far right and click on the pencil icon to access the number's settings.
  4. Under Advanced Options, click on the pencil icon on the right.
  5. Under Caller ID Options, use the drop-down menu to select the Caller's number from the drop down menu, and then click Save.

If you have several tracking numbers forwarded to Smith, you will need to set up Caller ID for each one.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a Smith.ai client and need help, please email us at support@smith.ai or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a Smith.ai client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at sales@smith.ai. We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

How did we do?

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