How to edit your Team Directory

Crystal Field Updated by Crystal Field

You can now add, remove, and edit your Smith account's Team Directory. The following steps outline where you can access this feature.

  1. Log into your VR Dashboard and go to your Call Handling section. You can click on Add to put in a new team member, or Edit to change an existing one.
  2. You can click on Add to put in a new team member, or Edit to change an existing one.
    1. Add the new team member information to your account.
    2. Edit an existing entry.
  3. You can also remove and edit members through the icons on the right side of the information.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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