How to set up OnceHub to book appointments in your time zone

Crystal Field Updated by Crystal Field

In order to make sure your Oncehub appointments are scheduled in your time zone, you will need to turn off the time zone conversion. Here is how:

For booking pages associated with Event Types
  1. Navigate to Setup > ScheduleOnce setup, and select either an Event type, or a Booking page. Then go to the Time slot settings.

  1. Scroll down to Time Zone Conversion. Select OFF to lock the calendar to your time zone.

For Booking pages not associated with Event types
  1. For Booking pages not associated with Event types, go to Setup > ScheduleOnce setup, and select the relevant booking page. Then navigate to the Time slot settings.

  1. Scroll down to Time Zone Conversion. Select OFF to lock the calendar to your time zone.

Now your calendar will always display appointment times in your time zone. If you want your Time Zone conversion ON, please notify our Support team, so we can ensure your receptionists choose the correct time zone when scheduling.

We have agents in all time zones across North America, when the time zone conversion is on, it will present in the time zone of our agent which may lead to an error in scheduling. We do train our agents to verify times zones, however, to prevent any scheduling errors we recommend that you lock each of your calendars to your time zone.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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