How to Connect LiveCall to for Lead Follow-Up (Using Zapier)

Our Zapier integration helps business owners save time by automating processes that are typically done manually.

This guide will walk you through connecting LiveCall and via Zapier.

In doing so, website leads who complete a LiveCall request form will receive a call back through

Using this guide, learn how to:


To use a Zapier integration to connect LiveCall and, you will need:

  • Zapier account
  • A account
  • Your API key
  • A LiveCall account

Request an Outbound Call to a Lead from LiveCall using

  1. Sign up for a Zapier account for free. If you already have one, log in.
  2. Click "Create Zap" in the upper left corner.
  3. Name your Zap. Here's an example: "Connect LiveCall to"
  4. In the App event search bar, type in "LiveCall." Click on the option that appears.
  5. For the trigger event, choose "Call Completed."
  6. Click test and review sample data from a recent call.
  7. Click Continue and move to the Action step.
  8. In the App event search bar, type in "" Click the option with the orange logo.
  9. For the trigger Event, click "Call Someone (Virtual Receptionist)."
  10. Connect your Zapier account to your account. You'll need to add your API key when prompted. You can get your API key in your Call Dashboard under Integrations. Further instructions on how to connect to Zapier can be found here.
  11. Select "Yes, Continue" after inserting your API Key.
  12. Select your account from the dropdown and hit Continue again.
  13. Under Set up action, map your fields by pairing data with what is being sent from LiveCall. This could include first name, last name, phone number, etc. Phone number is the only required field among the contact information fields.
  14. In the "What should we do?" required field, include instructions for the receptionists who will be making the call. Here's an example: "Gather their email and mailing address so we can send marketing information."
  15. In the "What if they don't answer" field, include instructions for the receptionists for if the customer doesn't pick up the phone.
  16. Complete the final required field "When would you like us to call back?" This can be based on your default settings, or you can choose the option for 24/7 (i.e. whatever time the call request comes through).
  17. Test the action.
  18. Once you have confirmed all of the Zap details, turn it on.

All LiveCall form fills will now be called back by Virtual Receptionists and logged in your account.

If it's your first time building a Zap, review the basics of creating Zaps to get started. You're not limited to a single action. Try using filters, formatting, and other advanced Zapier actions.

Additional Resources:

LiveCall's Zapier Article

Connecting to Zapier

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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