Using and Accessing the Call Dashboard

Crystal Field Updated by Crystal Field

Where is the dashboard and how do I access it?

Please head over to:

If you have a chat account, please log in using that account.

If you do not have a chat account, please choose "forgot password" and enter your main email address. We'll send you a link to reset and log in.

If you have problems logging in, please read this section for more help.

What is the dashboard for?

The dashboard provides you with an overview of your call history, with visualized call intelligence (Business Intelligence / BI) metrics so you can see call volumes, call makeup, and other valuable information.

The dashboard will show call information for the past three months, by default.

The graph shows the relative volumes of calls by type of caller, over time. Your calls will show in the stacks. Each colored section represents different call statuses.

To change to another view of time, use the date selector in the top right to view: today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, last three months, or even a custom date.

Using the drop-down menus, you can filter the information by status, disposition, priority, and actions taken.

You can click on the "Show spam/blocked calls" check box to see all your blocked calls.

A line will indicate your current call plan quota when you're looking at a view showing multiple months.

When you select the "Change Plan" link, it opens an email to our Client Success team, including the subject and your current plan details. Please send an email if you'd like to talk to us about changing your plan.

See individual call details

Click on an individual call from the Call Log to see the full details of the call. Call Details include the caller's contact information, status, time of the call, priority, disposition, actions taken, call recording (if applicable), follow-up message (if applicable), call summary recipients, the call summary, and decisions made by the receptionist during the call.

From the Call Details page, you can request a callback, add the caller to your director transfer (VIP) list, send the caller to voicemail, or block the caller.

If you've accidentally added someone to your block or direct transfer list, view this article on how to delete them from either list.

The type of caller. Options are New Lead, Existing Client, Repeat caller, Attorney/Court Staff, or Unknown.


The type of call. Options are Business, Personal, Wrong Number, Spam, or Sales.


The urgency of the call. Options are Low, Normal, or Urgent.

Summary Sent To

See where the call summary for the call was sent. Hovering over the question mark icon will display the email addresses where the summary was sent.

In this example, the summary was sent to one person and Slack.

Call Summary

The written account of what occurred on a phone call between the receptionist and caller. Individual call summaries include the receptionist's name, caller's contact information, any requested information, and the actions taken on the call.

Call Decisions

Follow the call flow and see the decisions taken by the virtual receptionist on an individual call.

Actions Taken

Any actions taken on your calls will be represented by a pie chart, and the key underneath indicates all actions taken on your calls.

The Actions Taken column on the right of the Call Log table are icons that show what action was taken by the receptionist for each call as well, such as scheduling an appointment, transferring the call, intake form completed, payment taken, conflict check no match/matched, and follow-up sent.

Conflict checks will only appear on your Actions Taken chart if the feature is enabled for your account. To learn more about conflict checks please feel free to reference How to have receptionists check for conflicts.

See and edit your call handling & preferences

You can see and edit your call handling & preferences settings by selecting the phone icon in the left menu. You see settings for the following preferences:

See Spam Calls in the Dashboard

If you are experiencing problems logging in to the dashboard, please read this

  1. Go here:
  2. What happens?
    1. You see the dashboard
      1. Great! It's working.
    2. You see the Virtual Receptionists marketing page OR you see a "page not found"
      1. Go here to log out of your chat account:
      2. Go here:
      3. Sign in using the email address with which you signed up for Virtual Receptionist service. You can confirm this:
        1. The email subject is "Welcome to Smith"
        2. The first sentence is "Thanks for signing up! Please save this email so you can refer to it later."
        3. It was sent the day you signed up for
      4. If you do not have this email and aren't sure, we recommend trying:
        1. The email address at which you get your daily call summaries
        2. The email address at which you get the newsletter
      5. If you still can't log in with any of these addresses, please click the "Forgot password?" link and you'll get a password reset link to your address. (And this time, add it to your password manager!)
      6. You're done.
    3. You see a Log In screen
      1. Have you ever signed in before, successfully?
        1. Yes
          1. Sign in using the email address with which you signed up for Virtual Receptionist service. You can confirm this:
            1. The email subject is "Welcome to Smith"
            2. The first sentence is "Thanks for signing up! Please save this email so you can refer to it later."
            3. It was sent the day you signed up for
            4. If you do not have this email and aren't sure, we recommend trying:
              1. The email address at which you get your daily call summaries
              2. The email address at which you get the newsletter
          2. If none of that works, proceed to "no" below.
        2. No
          1. Please click the "Forgot password?" link and you'll get a password reset link to your address. (And for safety's sake, please add it to your password manager.)
  3. Ok, that should cover everything. If it doesn't, please let us know.

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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